Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Luangphor Uttama passed away

From Thai television news as well as the web, the venerable Luangphor Uttama, passed away of septicemia. The elderly monk is widely repected by Thais, Mons, and Burmeses. The Mon ethnic Buddhist monk escaped the civil war in Burma into Thailand several decades ago and built the Wat Wangwiwekaram monastery in Sangkhla Buri district of Kanchanaburi, not far away from the Three Pagodas Pass. His current temple, as well as his former temple, which is now submerged under the water level after a dam construction decades ago, are major tourist attractions.

I recall the 3 Characters of all entities in Buddhism, called Triluksana, namely the Dhukka (suffering), the Anijjata (starting, establishing, terminating), the Anatta (non-selfness), and my feeling is neutral on this (Ubekha).

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