Monday, September 11, 2006

Another day in my office in Thailand

My dual G5 cpu Power Mac desktop could not access the office's network today. It has been offed by over 1 week when I was away to attend a meeting outside. Interestingly, the problem turned out to be the fullly booked IP numbers in our floor. This is an inherent problem of IPv4 network: if you had more than 254 devices then you have a problem in your neighborhood. My G4 notebook that I routinely use as a workhorse has not detected any problem earlier because it has been using WiFi network all the time, and that uses another set of IP numbers reassigned by the wireless router in our group's room.

Today I already got a replacement battery for my G4 laptop from Unity Progress. Perhaps that 's among the first replacements in Thailand. (My G4 I bought 10 months ago was also among the first batch in its lot that arrived in Thailand.) Quite a quick replacement after I was told by the company last week that I might have to wait 2 more months to get the new battery from the Apple 's battery recall program. Mine was one of those 1.8 million batteries (manufactured by Sony) being recalled free of charge by Apple few weeks ago. Great service.

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