There is a Thai news report today about millions of itchy caterpillar of unknown insect species are destroying crops in a village in Ban Laem district, Phetchaburi province, Thailand.
The body of each greyish-black caterpillar contain strips of 2 spike spots that cause skin inflammation and infected wounds. Villagers said the caterpillars are resistant to insecticides and they had to prevent them from entering their homes. They also try to remove the hemp sesbania plants (Seabania javanica) that they reside.
I think spreading of an unknown insect's caterpillars is another sign of ecological imbalance.
I also wonder if an outbreak of the insect from this caterpillar will come next ?
For years, I have observed another phenomenon, i.e. excessive number of pigeons in various suburban areas, I believe due to lack of birds of prey, like falcons, in most areas of Thailand. That is another sign.