Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I just found that one of my favorite "Thai" authors, Mr. Michael Write, just passed away today few hr ago at the age of 68 yrs. He is a famous columnist, writing regularly on Thai history, archaeology, and social studies. I like several of his books (usually compilation of his earlier published articles in Thai magazines, mostly the Art and Culture). He was born an English man, but died as a Thai.

(I felt an urge that I should do something for him so I spent some time starting a wiki for him. He deserves one, since he is already a member in Thai society. I have a feeling that his biography will grow when other of people join force.)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

First post for B.E. 2552

I hope this year (2552/2009) would be a year of improvements on many aspects for me.

I also hope for peace, for my country and the world.

Now that Thailand have a decent government and PM, I hope all the situations would improve this year. Bad guys would receive their due results of bad Karma: my feeling is neutral.

I also have my sympathy for the unfortunates around the World who suffered from famine, wars, political suppression, diseases, various global disasters, and bad economy, of course.

This year, I think I am going to post blogs much less frequent than the past. There are some reasons though. I hope my friends will not be disappointed.